Revisiting the Winogrand Workshop, Part V: More good stuff


A gorgeous young lady looking and smiling right at me—a shy 19-year-old learning to interact with the world through the medium of photography. I was seduced, not just by her, but the crazy approach to photography that I was absorbing like a sponge during that two week August workshop at 80 Nassau Street in Manhattan. The lighting was perfect: Hazy skies, 1/250 at f/8 on Tri-X.

And the icing on the cake, in the background, my teacher, Garry Winogrand (you can see him behind the woman on the left) is watching me approvingly. Actually, he came up to me after I took this shot and said "you're getting it!"

This is the photo, which I've posted elsewhere, that encouraged me to keep going and pursue street photography, no matter what else was happening.

Here are a few more photos I've rediscovered in recent days...three more rolls to go!
