Back In The Street Photo Groove

I took a two-year break from this blog to focus on other areas of my business, and because, frankly, I was unsure about the purpose of this blog. Was it to promote my freelance photography business, or to build interest in my passion, street photography?

The verdict: Back to street photography.

I've decided to use other forms of social media to promote my business, and to use this blog as a platform to promote (and hopefully, sell prints of) my street photos.

After visiting Israel a few months ago, and then losing one of my bigger clients weeks later, I thought a lot about legacy. My online writing could disappear in the blink of an eye...but I have amassed thousands of street photos over the last 40+ years and looking back at them I've realized that some have, by virtue of their age and subject matter, gained some historic value.

I'm going through my archives and will start sharing them here and on other social media. I'm currently exploring options for selling prints online. My goal is to offer gallery-quality (read: long-lasting, fade-resistant) prints on fiber-based paper whether the original was digital or film. Suggestions are welcome.

Here are a couple of recent scans, from a project I'm calling The Pop Photo Years - photos I shot while working as the managing editor of Popular Photography magazine. They are among the last street photos that I shot on film.

Photos © 2003, 2018 by Mason Resnick

Technical note: Photos shot with a Leica M3, 28mm f/3.5 lens, on Fujifilm Press 800, scanned and converted to B&W.
